Abstracts englisch
Stefan Haas: Vom Schreiben in Bildern. Visualität, Narrativität und digitale Medien in den historischen Wissenschaften, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
The humanities and cultural studies have in common a self-description system which describes the functional advance by means of "turns". These turns not only have an impact on the constitutional matter of the sciences, but also on the methods, theoretical models, social self-conception and forms of communication of the scientists involved. Referring to the visual turn, changes are discussed as to what these mean for the language in which the arts and cultural sciences formulate and convey cognition. An attempt is made to show that the deliberations and efforts to integrate digital visual media and hypertext media are not only due to socio-cultural changes, but have arisen as a necessity from the theoretical and methodological developments of the sciences themselves.
Martina Heßler: Von der doppelten Unsichtbarkeit digitaler Bilder, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
The tenor of the debate on media and cultural studies is that digital images are characterised by immateriality, process adherence and the loss of reference to “reality“. They are considered to be images based on algorithms - “(purely) theoretical“ images (Wolfgang Ernst). This paper deals with the extent to which digital scientific images are indeed images without reference. Their status is without doubt something special, insofar as their often being based on a double invisibility in the sciences: the invisibility of the portrayed scientific phenomena, as well as the invisibility of the algorithms. However, contrary to an over-simplified discussion on the loss of reference, there are arguments that scientific digital images are neither unequivocally indexical nor pure fiction. They are more what Latour calls "virtual”: a hybrid of fact and fetish. Their exact epistemic status can therefore only be determined individually.
Jakob Krameritsch: Herausforderung Hypertext. Heilserwartungen und Potenziale eines Mediums, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
During the staged discourses – especially in the 1990s - hypertext was prophesised with a great future for the humanities and cultural studies, particularly since new possibilities for the production and reception of (theoretical) narratives seemed to be within reach. However, in practice among today’s historians hypertext has gained little ground: myth and pipe dream hypertext - something that can be quietly filed away? Or can other experiential potentials be identified which call for more (repeated) experimentation? Hypertext revisited.
Ulrich Riehm: Elektronisches Publizieren revisited! Anmerkungen zur Verbreitung elektronischer Publikationen, zur Konkurrenz gedruckter und elektronischer Medien sowie zu den strukturellen Veränderungen im Publikationswesen, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
The following article looks at the history of electronic publishing over a period of 20 years. It deals first with the question how widespread electronic publishing is today and ascertains that, while printed publications still dominate, the electronic sector, depending on the field of publication under consideration, is clearly gaining ground, and in some respects already outflanking the print media. This poses the question as to the competition among the various forms of publication. This is examined on the basis of three case studies in the field of works of reference. The thesis of coexistence between old and new media cannot be supported. Going by the theses of a late 1980s study on the impact of electronic publishing, what finally remains to be questioned is the structural changes in the roles of authors and publishing houses.
Stefanie Samida: Prähistorische Archäologie: Von der 'Wissenschaft des Spatens' zur historischen Cyberwissenschaft?, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
Taking the example of prehistoric archaeology – a genuinely humanities and cultural science – the relation between science and new media is to be dealt with. The concept 'cyber science' often discussed in sociology serves as the reference level. By this we mean the increasing shift in communication, production and distribution of scientific writing in the new media; all future academic activities will be carried out with the help of computers and new information and communication technology. The article at hand shows how the transition from traditional science to cyber science is taking place.
Michael Schetsche: Die digitale Wissensrevolution – Netzwerkmedien, kultureller Wandel und die neue soziale Wirklichkeit, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
The starting point of this presentation is the current digital knowledge revolution. Six cases are discussed as examples of the social and cultural change triggered by network technology: (1) the new order of knowledge, (2) social control by technical standards, (3) automatic archiving function of the net, (4) supplementing the exchange economy by the gift economy, (5) the dissolution of the main difference between 'public’ and 'private' and (6) the dialectics of the possibility and compulsion of permanent communication. What they all have in common is a socio-ethical ambivalence which, although already installed in the techno-cultural transition, only takes on its particular intense character by the inability of the traditional norm-processing instances to adapt to the new social reality.
Irmela Schneider: Konzepte von Autorschaft im Übergang von der 'Gutenberg-' zur 'Turing'-Galaxis, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
This paper outlines the formation and crisis of the concept of authorship in the Gutenberg Galaxy. Foucault puts this crisis in relation to the crisis of modern subjectivity. An important and enduring stabiliser of the author concept is the copyright based on Locke’s theory of the individual, by which the copyright not only defines the author’s work as his creation, but also as his property endowing identity and social status. The crisis of the author began at the latest in the 19th century, but took on a whole new dimension with the transition from the Gutenberg to the Turing Galaxy, when the copyright as the stabiliser of the author concept increasingly failed in the face of inter-textual, inter-medial and inter-active developments. In the second part of the paper some problem reports are formulated which affect not only authors of literary texts but also authors of scientific and journalistic texts. The central focus is on reflections on the changes to the "codes of reputation " (Luhmann) emerging at the beginning of the 21st century.
Thomas Stöber: Der Wandel in der wissenschaftlichen Informationsvermittlung: das Beispiel Google Book Search, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
The emergence of digital media has meant considerable shifts in the established system of scientific information communication: new information services such as Google Book Search compete with the traditional services offered by scientific publishing houses and libraries. Despite the demands on and the extent of this mass digitization project, the Google Book Search does not stand for a "digital universal library", but as a paradigmatic example of an increasing differentiation and partialisation of the information landscape. Against the backdrop of this growing heterogeneity of scientific information communication the libraries too have taken on a newly defined role
Jakob Voß: Was Wikipedia und die Wissenschaft voneinander lernen können, in: zeitenblicke 5 (2006), Nr. 3.
This article deals with to what extent Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, can be considered scientific, and pinpoints what Wikipedia and science can learn from each other.