English Abstracts
Armin Heinen : Mediaspektion der Historiographie. Zur Geschichte der Geschichtswissenschaft aus medien- und technikgeschichtlicher Perspektive, in: zeitenblicke 10 (2011), Nr. 1.
The technological change of the last thirty years called attention to the medial foundations of historiography. There is, however, still a lack of studies which closely examine the cultural history of the technique of historiographical working. The article aims at discussing the above mentioned context in brief statements and covers the time of the enlightenment until the present day. After a short survey of the history of the media three basic tendencies will be outlined: delocalization, deliteralization, and delinearization. A second glance focuses the effects on individual fields of academic working: university studies in history, academic publishing, and the role of historiography in our recent society. Here as well, alterations seem to be foreshadowed which might fundamentally change the historiographical workflow. To a certain degree one could speak of the medialization of university studies, of a dialectic of deprofessionalization and objectification of the publishing process on the one hand, and on the other hand of an intentionally artificial design of historiographical publications, and, ultimately, of the necessity to consider, much more than before, completely different life-styles in historiography. Finally, a highly provisional and merely heuristically devised tabular overview shell illustrate the relationship between the academic imprint regarding history and varying forms of historiography.
Gabriele Lingelbach : Ein Motor der Geschichtswissenschaft? Zusammenhänge zwischen technologischer Entwicklung, Veränderungen des Arbeitsalltags von Historikern und fachlichem Wandel, in: zeitenblicke 10 (2011), Nr. 1.
The article addresses the interaction between technological innovations on the one hand and the workaday life of historians as well as the development of their subject on the other hand. Besides the daily routine of teaching, research activities like working in the archives or bibliographical investigation will be analyzed asking in how far their changing was provoked by technological progress. Furthermore, this question will be brought forward again in view of the process of composing and publishing academic studies. Moreover, the relationship between thematic and methodical change and technological progress will be highlighted.
Markus Krajewski : Werkzeuge und Strategien der Technikgeschichtsschreibung. Oder: Wie kann man einfach "alles" aufzeichnen?, in: zeitenblicke 10 (2011), Nr. 1.
Aloof from the big historiographical schools, the turn of the century around 1900 saw the formation of small staffed, but with regard to their objects so much more aspiring and broad based projects of writing history. In Leipzig, for example, Karl Lamprecht develops a concept of world history against Leopold von Ranke's historiography focusing on major political events, which besides the grim dispute of methods also entails a series of filiations in neighboring disciplines. One of these secret adepts is Franz Maria Feldhaus, self-appointed engineer and historiographical autodidact. In a daring plan he tries nothing less than to assemble a complete collection of all items and historical events which are in any way related to technology. The motor and likewise the piston jamming of this undertaking is provided by his card index being constructed with reference to the highest standards of contemporary office organization. The article closely feels out its mechanism together with its practical as well as epistemic (in-)sufficiencies.
Henning Trüper : Unordnungssysteme. Zur Praxis der Notizführung bei Johan Huizinga, in: zeitenblicke 10 (2011), Nr. 1.
The article examines the characteristics of Johan Huizinga's (1872-1945) personal way of taking notes. Individual collections of his notes preserved in the archives will thereby be scrutinized in detail. Of primary concern is the relationship between notes and running text in Huizinga's academic works. In order to describe this relationship more precisely, this contribution will try to carve out the interrelation between the writtenness of academic work on the one hand and the implementation of particular temporalities in the context of defining academic fields of interest on the other hand. The article aims at the disruptions and antagonisms, that is to say the "disorder", which results from the constitution of such mutually referring temporalities in plural. Therein, the interaction of notes and running text becomes subsumable in a new way.